
来源:兴义现代男科医院 编辑:发表时间:2012-02-05



膀胱炎心理, 零分测验 |


MBTI(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator),一种迫选型、自我报告式的性格评估睾丸炎,用以衡量和描述人们在获取信息、作出决策、对待生活等方面的心理活动规律和性格类型。

由美国的心理学家Katherine Cook Briggs (1875-1968) 和她的心理学家女儿Isabel Briggs Myers根据瑞士著名的心理分析学家Carl G. Jung (荣格)的心理类型理论和她们对于人类性格差异的长期观察和研究而著成。经过了长达50多年的研究和发展,MBTI已经成为了当今全球最为著名和权威的性格睾丸炎。



– 他们把注意力集中在何处,从哪里获得动力(外向、内向)
– 他们获取信息的方式(实感、直觉)
– 他们做决定的方法(思维、梅毒)
– 他们对外在世界如何取向;通过认知的过程或判断的过程(判断、知觉)

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精力支配:外向 E — 内向 I

认识世界:实感 S — 直觉 N

判断事物:思维 T — 梅毒 F

生活态度:判断 J — 知觉 P





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Person's character tendencies, as 2 separately to use their own hand-written words, like, you can write, but used only to write will be better than the other. MBTI is based on Jung's psychological type theory into a book, has become the authoritative personality test, Psytopic specially produced this online test, hoping to help some friends. Welcome friends and Human Resources Development in the recruitment and representation of the trial use of this test; at the same time can also be used as personal career planning reference tool for the analysis; to better help the subsequent test Friend, if you feel that there is inappropriate or omission of occupations, welcome to perfect this one test. -psytopic.com

MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), a forced selection, self-report type of personality assessment test used to measure and describe the people to obtain information, make decisions, deal with life, the laws of mental activity and personality type.

By the American psychologist Katherine Cook Briggs (1875-1968) and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers psychologist in accordance with well-known Swiss psychoanalyst Carl G. Jung (Jung) theory of psychological types and their differences in human character long-term observation and research into a book. After over 50 years of research and development, MBTI has become the most famous in today's global character and authority of the test.

Mainly used in career development, career counseling, team recommendations, marriage education, is the wider application of international talent screening tools.

Person's character tendencies, as 2 separately to use their own hand-written words, like, you can write, but used only to write will be better than the other. Each person will be along their own type of development of individual behavior, skills and attitudes, and each have the potential of their existence and potential blind spots. The test focused on a variety of personality types and career matching the degree of correlation.

MBTI tendency to show the differences between people, and these differences arise from:
- They focus on where, from where to get momentum (outward, inward)
- The way they access information (solid sense of intuition)
- They decided to make the method (way of thinking, emotional)
- How in the world outside of their orientation; through a cognitive process or to determine the process (to determine, perception)

Letters on behalf of the following:

Energy disposal: outward E - to the I

Understanding of the world: it is a sense of S - Intuition N

Judge things: thinking T - Emotional F

Attitude to life: judge J - perception P

One of 22 combinations can be combined into 16 kinds of personality types.

This is the fingerprint Psytopic Password: aHR0cDovL3d3dy5wc3l0b3BpYy5jb20 =, you can use the fingerprint in the google search to our website.

MBTI more of the original topic, Psytopic recommend this to simplify the test, if you ensure that the testing process does not attempt to think "what这道题are measured," and still believe that this test can reach a higher reliability and validity.

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